
 发布时间:2017-08-23 16:44:38 浏览量:662


的RMGT印刷机,为MSO印刷公司成功安装RMGT 920ST-5+LED-UV+CD。MSO印刷公司是摩洛哥最大的



Our Moroccan distributor, GRAPHIC’S, successfully installed RMGT 920ST-5+LED-UV+CD

to MSO Printwho is a subsidiary company of one of biggest newspaper & publishing

company in Morocco, named MAROC SOIR, in June 2017, as the very worthful 1st RMGT

press with LED-UV system in African market.


MSO印刷公司拥有2台用于报纸和杂志的轮转胶印机(KBA和高斯),以及2台用于商业, 广告和封皮

等印刷产品的单张胶印机(Roland 200 KBAPlaneta)。这些商业印刷主要是不超过3,000张的小批



MSO Print has 2 sets of web offset press (KBA and Goss) for newspapers and magazines,

and 2 sets of sheet-fed offset press (Roland 200, and KBA Planeta) for commercial and

publishing products such as advertisement and book cover etc. And those commercial

jobs are mainly small lot job of less than 3,000 sheets.





Because these 2 sheet-fed offset presses become older and in consideration of improvement

of their printing quality and productivity, MSO Print finally decided to purchase our

latest 9 series with LED-UV system after seeing our LED-UV demonstration at drupe 2016.





LED-UV system is mounted on the 2nd delivery cylinder of the 920ST-5+CD, together with

anti-scratching and anti-static optional accessories, so MSO Print is planning to print

several kind of substrates such as plastic sheet materials to increase the range of their

commercial printing job.






MSO Print is quite satisfied with performance, quick drying and energy saving of 920ST

-5+LED-UV+CD, and GRAPHIC’S is discussing with MSO Print to hold the Open House of 1st

LED-UV press in Africa to promote the advantages of LED-UV system not only to Moroccan

customers but also to another African customers in near future.



上一篇: 接受大自然的洗礼,员工出游记下一篇: 世界上第一台790ST-8+CC+LD在韩国安装